Covid 19 > Plano de Mitigação de Riscos

Covid 19 > Plano de Mitigação de Riscos


(Operation General Rules of Events)

Organizing safe events is our priority!  

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, and in regards to renewal of activity with total confidence,    Lisbon Venues aims to ensure that events take place  in compliance with all the safety and hygiene norms, as well as to raise the awareness of clients, exhibitors, suppliers, employees and visitors concerning the rules and behaviors to follow inside the premises of CCL, FIL and PT Meeting Center through a clear and objective announcement.

Likewise understood is that, despite the population’s widespread knowledge and caution regarding Covid-19, as operator of spaces for public use, it is the responsibility of Lisbon Venues to clarify on all occasions and locations, the rules deriving from not only legal obligations but also the recommendations of the Portuguese Directorate-General of Health.

The final purpose is to convey confidence and tranquility among all those who use the premises, with the guarantee that all the regulations as well as the best practices promoted by the sector at global level, are complied with. 

Prevent, Identify and Limit the propagation of Covid-19 during all the operational phases of the events.

A Health and Safety Control Unit was created, duly trained, aimed toward planning and management of each event in accordance with the Integrated Prevention Model, complying with the Contingency Plan and conforming with its application, divided into the following phases:

1 – Risk Evaluation Matrix.

Definition of a Risk Evaluation Matrix considering:

  • The legal framework,
  • The type of event,
  • The visitors ‘profile
  • The hourly and daily turnout expectations

Risk Evaluation based on the Risk Evaluation Matrix of Covid-19 propagation for the various operational phases of the event, defined according to the specific characteristics: of each event:

  • Assembly
  • Realization
  • Dismantling

2 – Monitoring of Symptoms and Screening  

Installation of automatic temperature detection systems at the entrances of the Venues for body temperature reading of every type of visitor:

  • Clients,
  • Suppliers,
  • Public,
  • Employees,
  • Security, maintenance, assembly and cleaning technicians

Permanent medical team during all the operational phases of the event.

Implementation of Protocol for suspected cases

3 – Social Distancing

Definition of occupancy and maximum capacity for each space;

Implementation of aisles with minimum of 3 meters;

Implementation of a one -way mandatory circulation for all the exhibitions, conventions and events, to avoid crowding;

Guarantee, in a general manner, 1,5-meter physical distancing throughout the entire fairground;

Development and implementation of a set of safety and orientation signage, with floor markings to ensure the compliance of physical distancing in lines at ticket offices, during accreditation, at entrances, sanitary facilities, elevators, stairs, and ATM’s;

Crowd gathering control: Security proceed to advise the demobilization of gatherings which comprise larger groups r than what is permitted;

Definition and reconfiguration of the layouts for the confined areas such as auditoria, and meeting rooms, ensuring physical distancing between participants in accordance with the recommendations of Portuguese Directorate-General of Health;

Implementation of Assembly and Dismantling Operations Plans for each event which include the following:

  • Definition of Access rules;
  • Definition of an order for entry of transportation vehicles of persons and material;
  • Definition of procedures in loading and unloading area;
  • Definition of regulations for Workers’ Personal protection
  • Reinforcement of security stations for supervising the compliance of the defined procedures.

4 – Personal Protection

Mandatory use of face masks in all the areas of the fairgrounds, complemented with visor or acrylic panel at the public customer service stations;

Definition of specific PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) considering the activities and tasks to be undertaken, such as gloves, visors, helmets or clothing

Mandatory and rigorous compliance of the use of personal protective equipment that come to be defined, based on the activities and tasks to be undertaken.

5 – Hygienization

Mandatory compliance of hand hygiene with an antiseptic solution at all entrances, these measures will be controlled by the security guards posted at these areas

Availability of hygienic means of washing and drying of hands with soap dispensers and paper towels in all the sanitary facilities

Placement of dispensers with alcohol based antiseptic solution in all the sanitary facilities and strategic locations in the common areas;

Hygienization and disinfection of all locations in accordance with the defined norms of use with Monitoring and Register;

Removal of physical elements in potential contact with clients, exhibitors, and assembly crews that are not indispensable to the realization of the event;

Ensuring among clients, information concerning rigorous policies of adopting respiratory and hygiene etiquette on the premises. Alternative forms of promoting products/services which minimize physical contacts should be chosen.

Implementation of rule of obligatory use of alcoholic based antiseptic solution dispensers in all the stands and reserved client areas.

6 – Catering Services  

In complementarity with the Food Safety measures in effect, all catering operations during events are subject to specific measures recommended by Portuguese Directorate-General of Health for the restaurant industry, namely:

  • Mandatory use of specific PPE (masks, gloves and hair coverings) for the different activities of all the workers assigned to this operation;
  • Placement of hand hygiene dispensers near all service posts for obligatory use by clients;
  • Cleaning and Hygienization Protocol of the catering area and disinfection of all the surfaces between utilization by different persons;
  • Obligatory use of disposable items when serving food and beverages in all operations executed at the events;
  • Self-service is not permitted. Obligatory service of all food and beverages by qualified staff;
  • Increased number of service points to avoid crowd gatherings;
  • Confection of all food in a Kitchen certified for this effect;
  • Visible signage to ensure the awareness of participants in the sense of adopting safe behavior.

7 – Audiovisual Services

Hygienization and disinfection of all equipment before entering the premises;

Planning of assemblies, in conjunction with the area of the premises, ensuring the compliance of the Self -Protection Measures and social distancing

Packaging and transportation of microphones, earphones and material available to participants, in duly hygienized zip lock bags;

In preparation for their use, the technician duly outfitted with the necessary personal protective equipment, will place the microphones and emitters on the speaker;

Hygienization and disinfection of all equipment susceptible to contact between participants of the event, after assembly and rehearsals and in between each use;

No transferring of material between participants during activities;

The use of each participant’s personal computer is recommended:

Setting up of stages with enough area in size in order to permit the compliance of mandatory social distancing norms;

Maintain mandatory distancing between all staff members assigned to control stations or any other operation support areas;

8 – Total Disinfection of Surfaces and Environments  

Elaboration of disinfection plans for all common use surfaces and furniture assigned to events, by area and/or equipment, with a frequency based upon the activity and/or demanding needs between different utilizations

Use of certified techniques and products for the disinfection of contact surfaces, suited to each event and areas in use;

Daily general disinfection of all areas occupied by the event, as well as garbage and other waste removal in compliance with the protocols in force

Monitoring and register of all the disinfection activities per area and/or equipment;

Guarantee air ventilation and renewal in the pavilions by means of the existing system in the infrastructures.

9 – Awareness, Disclosure and Application of Prevention Measures at each Event

Prior disclosure to all clients of the terms of use of the facilities within the scope of Covid -19 contingencies, through a direct communication channel;

Display of prevention measures and hygiene and disinfection regimens in force at every entrance in very visible locations, as well as other guidelines considered relevant concerning preventive behavior in static or digital format;

Regular audio information with announcements over public address sound systems regarding the strict compliance of rules for mandatory use of face masks, compliance with social distancing and circulation throughout the

Designation of a specific permanent patrol team, during the operational phase of each event to ensure the obligatory compliance of all the mandatory procedures stated in the Contingency Plan.

10 – Hybrid Events

The mission of Lisboa FCE is to support businesses with the development of their activities and to assist all its clients in the realization of their events, so that they may reach their goals they set for themselves whether it be in regard to communication, promotion and sales, to scientific dissemination, or in regards to the prominence and visibility of the entities they represent. In this sense, and in order to face the contingencies of the pandemic, we have created a differentiating service for hybrid events, Lisbon Live Meetings.

In order for businesses to continue to communicate, without putting the safety of their employees, clients, and partners at risk, Lisbon FCE teams have developed this turn-key, innovative, groundbreaking and safe solution, that meets an existing demand, associating virtual experiences with real ones, thus permitting an extensive connectivity between digital and live participants, while allowing clients to achieve experiences and communication goals, with impact and value.

Lisbon Live Meetings emerges to support our clients, and hence together we will continue to realize events with confidence!



Covid 19 > Plano de Mitigação de Riscos

De forma minimizar os possíveis impactos inerentes a este vírus, a organização anuncia igualmente a implementação de um Plano de Mitigação de Riscos, tendo em conta as orientações da Organização Mundial de Saúde e da Direção Geral de Saúde, das quais se destacam:

  • Informação sobre os cuidados a ter, em locais visíveis nos pavilhões
  • Dispensadores com gel desinfetante à entrada e no recinto
  • Reforço dos serviços de apoio médico, com a activação de um “Posto Médico Avançado” com médico e enfermeiro em permanência
  • Implementação de uma área de isolamento para casos suspeitos, com os respetivos circuito e protocolo de evacuação
  • Difusão de informação e boas práticas a seguir junto dos colaboradores do Grupo Fundação AIP, de forma a minimizar o potencial risco associado ao desempenho das suas funções



(Regras Gerais de Operação dos Eventos)


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